And the winners are…

Congratulations to Doron, Aaron, Erica and Mendy.

The final vote tallies were:
#2 Erica Cullmann 399
#3 Sandy Kershon 145
#4 Mendy Erez 388
#5 Aaron Lee Fineman 487
#7 Debbie Finston 373
#8 Hariette Skidelsky 296
#9 Doron Stember 490
#10 Laurel Hirsch 332
#11 Carlos Rosado 381

That means at least 826 shareholders cast votes.

Thanks also go out to Gus Medina, Kate Nammacher and Paul Sobel for their service over the past three years, and Carlos Rosado for his service going back well over a decade.

2015 Candidates

This year eleven candidates are vying for four open seats. The candidates, according to a notice posted yesterday on, are:

#1 – Alvin Steinberg (candidacy withdrawn)
#2 – Erica Cullmann
#3 – Sandy Kershon
#4 – Mendy Erez
#5 – Aaron Fineman
#6 – Gus Medina (candidacy withdrawn)
#7 – Debbie Finston
#8 – Hariette Skidelsky
#9 – Doron Stember (misspelled as “Dorin” in the notice)
#10 – Laurel Hirsch
#11- Carlos Rosado

Gus and Carlos are incumbents. The other two seats are being vacated by Kate Nammacher and Paul Sobel.